Naturopathic Doctors are general practitioners of natural medicine. Naturopathic doctors obtain comprehensive and rigorous training in an educational structure similar to that of medical doctors.
Naturopathic doctors require 3 years pre-med undergraduate education, plus 4 years of full-time study at an approved college of naturopathic medicine.
The four-year program incorporates basic medical science courses, clinical sciences and naturopathic therapies, as well as problem-based approaches to health issues, and 1500 hours of supervised clinical experience.
The study of the conventional medical sciences includes:
NDs are trained to perform physical exams, laboratory testing, nutritional and dietary assessments, allergy testing, imaging, and other means of diagnosis. Naturopathic doctors may refer patients to other specialists and health care providers – including medical doctors for diagnosis and treatment when indicated.
In Canada , the only accredited college of naturopathic medicine is the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine.
Naturopathic medicine has an independent accrediting agency, the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME), which is the recognized authority for establishing and maintaining the educational standards for the profession.
Following the completion of their program, NDs must successfully complete Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Examinations (NPLEX) in order to qualify for licensing in Ontario. NPLEX is the standard examination used by all regulated provinces and states across North America .
The profession is regulated by the Board of Drugless Practitioners (Naturopathy).
The Ontario provincial association for naturopathic doctors is the OAND.
The Canadian association is the CAND.